Collaborative filtering vs Content-based filtering
Collaborative filtering
Recommend items to you based on ratings of uses who gave similar ratings as you
Content-based filtering
recommend items to you based on the features of use and item to find good match (requires having some features of each user)
Vector space can be different
User features - for user
- Age
- Gender
- Country
- Movies watched
- Average rating per genre Movie feature - for movie
- Year
- Genre/Genres
- Reviews
- Average rating
Learning to match
Predict rating of user on movie as
computed from computed from
The size should match
Deep learning for content-based filtering
- A good way to develop a content-based filtering algorithm is to use deep learning.
- is a vector of length 32 that describes user j with features
- is a vector of length 32 that describes movie i with features
- To find movies similar to movie i
- fined smallest distance:
- With Collaborative filtering:
- This can be pre-computed ahead of time
Recommending from a large catalogue
Two steps: Retrieval & Ranking
- Retrieval
- Generate large list of plausible item candidates
- e.g.
- For each of the last 10 movies watched by the user, find 10 most similar movies
- For most viewed 3 genres, find the top 10 movies
- Top 20 movies in the country
- e.g.
- Combine retrieved items into list, removing duplicates and items already watched/purchased
- Generate large list of plausible item candidates
- Rankings
- Take list retrieved and rank using learned model
- Display ranked items to user
Retrieval step
- Retrieving more items results in better performance, but slower recommendations
- To analyze/optimize the trade-off, carry out offline experiments to see if retrieving additional items results in more relevant recommendations
Ethical use of recommender systems
What is the goal of the recommender system?
- Movies most likely to be rated 5 stars by user
- Products most likely to be purchased
- Ads most likely to be clicked on
- Products generating the largest profit
- Video leading to maximum watch time
Ethical considerations with recommender systems
Positive case
- Travel industry
- Good travel experiences to more users
- More profitable
- Bid higher for ads
- Payday loans
- Squeeze customers more
- More profit
- Bid higher for ads
- Amelioration: Do not accept ads from exploitative businesses
Problematic cases
- Maximizing user engagement has led to large social media/video sharing sites to amplify conspiracy theories and hate/toxicity
- Amelioration: Filter out problematic content such as hate speech, fraud, scams and violent content
- Can a ranking system maximize your profit rather than userβs welfare be presented in a transparent way?
- Amelioration: Be transparent with users