Reducing the number of features

  • Commonly used by data scientists to visualize the data, to figure out what might be going on


Car measurements

From 3D to 2D

Data visualization

PCA algorithm

  • replaces two features with one feature
  • Choose the least different axis
  • Coordinate on the new axis: dot product

More principal components

PCA is not linear regression

Approximation to the original data

PCA in code

Optional pre-processing: Perform feature scaling

  • Fit the data to obtain 2 (or 3) new axes (principal components)
  • Optionally examine how much variance is explained by each principal component
  • Transform (project) the data onto the new axes

Applications of PCA

  • Visualization: reduce to 2 or 3 features
  • Less frequently used for
    • Data compression (to reduce storage or transmission costs)
    • Speeding up training of a supervised learning model